The recently passed cannabis control commission act in Australia has brought with it a number of issues. Most notably, the legislation seeks to classify cannabis as a controlled substance, in line with the classification of all illicit drugs. Although, even with this classification, cannabis remains illegal under most jurisdictions. Some of the ways the cannabis control commission has tried to classify it as a controlled substance are by classifying it as a drug, as being unlawful to possess and by including in criminal records. By adding these three classifications into their cannabis control laws, the Australian government seeks to enforce some measure of accountability for those who grow and supply the plant to both minors and adults. While the classification does not reflect widespread views on the drug itself, it is interesting that the government has made this effort.
The issue of whether or not cannabis should be made legal has long been debated around the world. Opponents argue that cannabis is not harmless, but rather can lead to psychosis, schizophrenia and even addiction. While these are only a few of the claims made against the cannabis community, they are perhaps the strongest reasons why the government has chosen to regulate and control the sale, cultivation and distribution of the plant. The classification as a controlled substance allows the government to tax the plant, which they do since it is considered a taxable commodity.
Another way that the government regulates and controls the cannabis industry in Australia is through the Australian Drug Code. Part of this code seeks to define various forms of cannabis, including its production, possession and consumption. Additionally, it seeks to regulate where the plant is cultivated, if it is grown commercially and how it is sold. This helps the government to regulate and control the cannabis industry, ensuring consumers get quality weed.
Many people argue that there is no need for any cannabis control commission regulation or taxation because cannabis is not harmful in any way. While this may be true in some regards, the medicinal and recreational use of the weed is actually illegal in many countries across the globe. Some argue that regulating the amount of cannabis each person can have can help reduce the number of drug users and dealers in the country. By creating a market and regulating the production and sales of the weed, the government can effectively limit access and sales of the drug. This is important because if more people were to start using the weed, it would likely result in more drug dealers popping up around the country.
In spite of the fact that the cannabis control commission has placed restrictions on the distribution and sale of the weed, it has also implemented a system in place that allows anyone with a valid license to grow the weed for personal use. A licensed grower will be monitored by the cannabis control commission and will be required to submit detailed reports on his or her crop. These reports are then sent to the organisation once per year. Because this system has been implemented, more people are able to legally grow their own weed, providing a valuable service to consumers who need a legal alternative to marijuana.
However, despite the restrictions placed upon the manufacture and distribution of the cannabis, the commission does not recommend the immediate legalization of the weed. Instead, it suggests that measures be taken to regulate the sale and distribution of the weed. It is suggested that marijuana be made available through more traditional methods, such as retail shops, rather than forcing consumers to buy it through the internet. Another suggestion that the cannabis control commission has made is to increase the amount of research that is done into the effectiveness of medical marijuana.